
In the summer of 2022, Anna Grimal and I started the podcast project Braves Il·lustrades. We co-hosted the first season together, while I directed the second and third seasons on my own, with illustrators Nirvana Jiménez, Alba Falgarona, and Coaner Codina joining as occasional collaborators.

This is a Catalan-language podcast, recorded between Costa Brava and Girona, where we shed light on what lies behind artistic professions through our experiences and those of our guests. All of them are women professionals from creative sectors, such as writers Eva Piquer and Maria Climent; illustrators Marina Capdevila, Sara Caballeria, and Joana Santamans; entrepreneur Valentina Planas from La Incorrecta, or singer-songwriter Alícia Rey.

We have addressed topics such as the creative process, the beginnings of entrepreneurship, identity linked to where we live, challenges in the publishing world, the relationship with social media, inspiration, family balance, managing self-demand, and job uncertainty. We have relaxed conversations with our guests about their careers and discover the different ways of working and feeling within artistic creation.

You can listen to us on Spotify, Ivoox, and Apple Podcasts.

També hem fet algun episodi especial en directe, com al festival Podfest de Roses o a la Fira del Conte de Medinyà. Si creus que podem col·laborar d’alguna manera, patrocinant el pòdcast o vols que vinguem al teu esdeveniment com a dinamitzadores, conduïnt un episodi en directe, posa’t en contacte amb mi i en parlem.